Brand entry to Indian market
Corporate Communications
Thought Leadership
Crisis Communications
Entertainment Promotions
Event Support
Media releases and kit design
Digital PR Services & Marketing
Influencer marketing
Creative Storytelling
Speaking Engagements
Content Marketing

Networking & Lobbying Support
Our Networking and Lobbying support programs at GoBarfeet are based on four elements: 
1. Leveraging the Internet via content marketing and seed topics via social media, blogs, online media, forums etc. 
2. Building and managing social business communities to reach thousands of relevant contacts with the industry, media, governmental institutions, science, associations and other relevant groups and important influencers. 
3. Building and managing offline networks in order to be connected with decision-makers and influential people. 
4. Organising and running stakeholder events and expert roundtables to attract high-level industry leaders, politicians, scientists, journalists, and other VIPs.
Corporate Communications
Across all earned, owned and paid channels, we cover the full range of corporate communications no matter what industry sector. Ultimately, all communications should be coordinated from one source with one voice and one authority. It also means having the imagination to see the potential for both good and bad outcomes.
Issues & Crisis Management
Reputation is everything and it is fragile. News, including that of the fake variety, travels faster than ever before, making it nearly impossible to get in front of if you’re not already prepared. Our reputation management services include identifying, managing and mitigating reputational risks across a full range of corporate crisis moments.
Challenge 1: Capturing Journalists’ Attention
Brand and event managers are wary of grabbing the attention of journalists to cover their events or launch. The proliferation of media channels and how we consume information has changed everything. Journalists no longer have time to go to events like they used to, so unless you’re a brand with loads of cash for a glitzy event, product launch PR requires a more entrepreneurial approach.
Challenge 2: A story to tell in an incognito mode
Every brand has a remarkable story to tell. Every event has a remarkable story of it being scheduled. And every product has a ground-shattering story to be heard. But most of them don’t know how to tell this story.
To top this, the demand to get these stories out in an incognito effort while it looks real is on the rise. Most brands and people are aware that effective PR works. It is the best way to reach a wider audience in an authentic way.
Why us?
An experienced creative team with a strong network of journalists across India. 
We leverage our relationships with editors, journalists, thought leaders and decision-makers to deliver real results for our clients. Through existing relationships, strategic targeting, and relevant pitching, we secure compelling print, online and multimedia placements to position our brands at the forefront of their audience. Whether you’re looking to launch a product or further develop a media presence, our team will work with you to generate meaningful coverage. 
Our client and market expertise includes industries such as Consumer Electronics and Lifestyle, Healthcare, Organic Produce, Indian Film Industry, Tourism and various Technology topics. Clients vary from global brands to midsized companies and startups either looking for public relations support in specific regions or planning to extend their reach into international markets.

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